Climate Change High on BIAC’s Agenda

Following the opening ceremony for signature of the United Nations climate agreement (Paris Agreement), held at the UN headquarters on April 22 in New York, the Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) to the OECD reiterated its continued support to the OECD as a key organization in the field to provide fact-based analysis concerning the implementation of the Paris Agreement. BIAC called upon the OECD to contribute to increasing the overall cost-effectiveness and coherence of climate measures and to help ensure a policy environment that is supportive of innovation and investment by all the business involved.

At the meeting of the OECD Environment Policy Committee in early May, BIAC will highlight the key recommendations of its paper on the “Post-COP 21 Agenda: Key Actions for the OECD”.  Going forward, BIAC will contribute to preparations for the OECD Environment Ministerial planned for September 2016.

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