Business for 2030 Website Crosses a Key Threshold

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Last month, the Business for 2030 website, which was launched in 2015 as a platform to demonstrate private-sector support for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda, registered its 20,000th visitor.

“We’re really pleased with the growth thus far, and we know we’ve only uncovered the very tip of the iceberg of corporate activity related to the SDGs,” said USCIB Vice President Ariel Meyerstein, who conceived the website and has developed it in collaboration with numerous USCIB member companies and partner organizations. “It demonstrates the eagerness with which the private and public sectors are looking for ways to work together to achieve these critical global goals.”

The Business for 2030 portal features hundreds of real-world examples of company initiatives and public-private partnerships, organized in relation to over 50 of the business-relevant SDG targets.

The initiative picks up on UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon‘s exhortation for the private sector “to take its place at the table and plot a path forward for the next 15 years, reaffirming once again that responsible business is a force for good.”

Business for 2030 now covers 81 of the 169 targets with one or more initiative – for a total of 165 initiatives from 47 companies and organizations, in more than 150 countries. You can track future development of the initiative at

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