UAE Courts Decisions on Arbitration

Buy NowEdited by Hassan Arab, Lara Hammoud, and Graham Lovett
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Publication No. 746
Paperback, 2013 Edition
Price : $95.00
ISBN: 978-92-842-0193-8

The first ever comprehensible guide to arbitration in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), this book summarizes in English a series of judgments issued over the last 20 years by the Dubai Court of Cassation, the Federal Supreme Court of Cassation, the Fujairah Federal Court of First Instance and the Abu Dhabi Court of Cassation.  Carefully selected and translated by a group of expert of the ICC UAE Commission, more than 75 judgments were included to offer insight into how arbitration works and how it is treated by UAE’s judicial system. Each summary contains a convenient head note, which helps the reader to identify the principles of arbitration set out by the UAE courts in the selected judgments.

This collection of summaries addresses the need within the arbitration community for easy access to UAE jurisprudence with a focus on arbitration.

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