USCIB, Deloitte Host Roundtable on Streamlining Transatlantic Customs

USCIB-Deloitte Event SpeakersWith the U.S. Customs Reauthorization bill having been recently signed into law, and the European Union (EU) preparing for the pending implementation of the changes to the Union Customs Code (UCC) this year, USCIB worked with Deloitte to put together a roundtable discussion about current issues facing transatlantic trade in the Customs space.

The event, titled “Strengthening Customs Efficiencies to Facilitate Trade and Investment: Current Dynamics Shaping Customs in the U.S. and the EU,” took place on the morning of February 17 at the Washington, D.C. offices of USCIB member General Electric. The off the record roundtable brought together business, government and other key stakeholder groups for an informal discussion on some of the key dynamics shaping customs policy in the U.S. and the EU and their impact on helping drive forward a strong and integrated transatlantic economy.

Speakers at the roundtable will included Jerry Cook (HanesBrands) Chair of the USCIB Customs Committee; Fernand Rutten (Deloitte) who briefed the committee on the UCC last month; Nasim Delami Fussell, Trade Counsel, House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade, and Christina Kopitopolous, Director, Customs and Trade Affairs, WTO and Multilateral Affairs Office, USTR. USCIB Director of Customs and Trade Facilitation Megan Giblin moderated the roundtable discussion.

“This was a very timely discussion that explored the opportunities and challenges in dealing with customs fit for the 21st century,” said Giblin. “The transatlantic voice has much to offer in helping shale a way forward.”

Participants talked about how the United States and the EU are working to streamline customs rules and regulations that are more appropriate for today’s global and digital marketplace. They addressed how such customs developments are aligning – or not – with the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations, the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement and other trade liberalization initiatives to further integrate both economies.

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