USCIB Members in Vanguard of White House Climate Action Pledges

White_HouseOn October 19, the White House announced a set of new commitments from 81 companies – including dozens of USCIB members – under the American Business Act on Climate Pledge, which aims to rally support in the business community for action on climate change and the conclusion of strong United Nations climate agreement in Paris this December.

USCIB President and CEO Peter Robinson welcomed the announcement. “USCIB has consistently focused on the necessity of ensuring that international action on climate works in harmony with the global economy,” he said. “These commitments demonstrate that the American business community is stepping up to help turn that ambition into reality. Leadership actions like these underline why a successful outcome in Paris must anchor and recognize business engagement and consultation going forward.”

Vice President Joe Biden gave closing remarks at the White House climate summit on Monday, during which government officials and business leaders convened for panel discussions about how the public- and private-sectors can work together on addressing climate change on the road to the UN climate agreement in December. Several USCIB members participated in the discussions.

With USCIB’s longtime climate, energy and environment expert Norine Kennedy on the front lines in Bonn, Germany for this week’s final negotiating session in advance of the Paris conference, Shaun Donnelly represented USCIB at the White House climate Summit.

USCIB is the U.S. affiliate of the International Chamber of Commerce and a U.S. partner of the Major Economies Business Forum (BizMEF).  It has represented U.S. business interests in the UNFCCC since 1993.  Please check its climate change website for continuing updates of its climate change positions and plans for the UN climate agreement in December (COP21).

USCIB will hold a COP21 Preparatory Meeting for U.S. Business in Washington DC on November 17.  This meeting will update U.S. business representatives on the latest political developments in the UN negotiations, review opportunities for business activities and engagement at COP21 and highlight business priorities for the Paris outcomes.  Contact Norine Kennedy for more information.

Read the White House fact sheet.

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